Veille tech de la semaine du 8 Janvier 2024

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Voici les nouvelles tech et autres articles que j’ai collectés ces dernières semaines

Web / Javascript


  • A few fast solutions for Advent of Code 2023 | Organizing Chaos
    The Advent of Code is an annual programming competition with a lot of interesting puzzles. While the competition is mostly about answering the questions as quickly as possible, I instead prefer to challenge myself to come up with low-latency solutions for each problem. Now that the 2023 edition of AOC is wrapped up, I thought it would be interesting to go into a bit of detail about some of the faster and more unique solutions that I came up with.

  • Test command line application written in Rust
    Testing a CLI - Command Line Interface or command line application by running it as an external program.

Produit / Organisation

Cloud / Ops

Geek / Tooling

#javascript #rust #cloud

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